Monday, December 15, 2008

Weigh In Monday

Down 3 pounds this week. That is still too much, but I have a feeling it will start evening out here soon enough. My girl and I have big plans to Wii Fit ourselves to death when I'm home for the holidays. I've been slow to get my workout on...mostly because I feel like I really need to get my eating in check first. Food is my true downfall and I feel like once I've come to terms with that, the rest will be easy. I'm definitely getting there, but not quite "free" of temptation!

So, I'm down 5 pounds. I thought I'd be more excited than this. Probably because nothing feels different. Wait...I take that back. This morning when I was putting on my pants, I did notice that the waistband wasn't squeezing me to death, but I was also quite alarmed at all the excess fabric hanging around my butt. Why, God? Why must the butt and the boobs always be the first to go? It's not like I have a lot to spare here! For a "thick" girl, I've never had big tata's and there ain't a whole lotta junk in this trunk! And truth be there is even less! Has anyone yet figured out how to divert fat from our thighs into our butt? Or from our upper arms into our boobs? Maybe I need to get working on that one... :) Happy Monday!

1 comment:

E said...

5 pounds is wonderful! Keep it up!