Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Good and the Bad of it!

So, Thursday has kind of been my mid-week check in day with the scale. I don't want to become a crazy person that is jumping on it every 5 seconds, but I also find it hard to make it a whole week without getting an idea of where things are headed. So...this morning...down 5 pounds since I started! Which sounds great, right?! Except I only started a week and a half ago and that is WAY too much weight loss for my body type in that amount of time. Being the overly logical person that I am, this weight loss is a bad thing! I'm losing too much, too fast, which means muscle mass. Noooooooo!

Let me be honest here...I feel like I'm eating plenty. I've gotten way past the days of starving just an hour after a meal. But all this healthy food...fruits, veggies, fibery has not freakin' calories! This isn't my fault, people! I'm eating. Eating lots. It's just not adding up to much. Everyday I say I'm going to eat more, but when I add it up at the end of the day, I'm always around 1200 - 1300 calories. And it's not enough :(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sis - i feel you on that. And what it may mean is that you have to address your nutrional and caloric needs a bit differently. You NEED those things you mentioned. However, there are also combinations of those things that you can eat which will support weight loss and not muscle mass loss. You'll get there....