Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Day 2

Hmmm...the first words that come to mind when I think about Day 2 are successful and STARVING! :)

I guess all that excess I had in my belly from Thanksgiving is what got me through Monday cuz yesterday was much more difficult on the hunger scale! I would eat something and an hour later, my belly was growling again. I'm just thankful that I didn't have any meetings to be in since nothing is more embarrassing than a growling stomach in a silent room.

Still staying away from coffee and so far it's been pretty okay. My wallet is pretty happy about it too! Although...confession time...I'm already dreaming of when I can indulge in a DECAF mocha...yummy... :)

Here was yesterday's food log:

Fiber One Honey Clusters (1 cup) - 160
1/2 cup Soy Milk - 50
Tea w/ Fiber Splenda - 0
Grapes - 200...I found very conflicting info on calorie content so I figured I'd take the highest
Banana - 100
Soup - 120
Apple - 75
High Fiber Oatmeal - 160
Sweet Potato Fries - 130
Garlic Fries - 120
Garden Burger - 90
Fiber One Bar - 140

Total - 1345

Can you tell I have fiber issues? Hahaha...I'm always afraid I'm not getting enough...writing it all down makes me look like I have a serious problem!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's tuff to do it...but U are capable. just continue to be willing....