Monday, December 8, 2008

Test 1: Eating Out

Test attempted and test passed! I was showing someone around the city last night and we went out for dinner. There weren't a whole lot of vegetarian items on the list, so I was limited. Finally, the Margherita Pizza won me over. Well, it was HUGE when it came out of the kitchen and under my nose. I made a decision that I'd have 2 pieces and I didn't have any problem stopping! That was amazing. Usually, if I have a plate in front of me, I'll pick on it until its gone. Oh yeah...I also had one small piece of bread from the bread basket instead of wiping it out like I usually would!

The one bonus to being completely consumed with my current real-life drama is that it leaves no time to be consumed by food. It's great. I don't eat until I'm hungry. I stop when I'm done. I don't pick. I don't dream about what I'm going to eat later. I just plain don't anything. It's such a freeing feeling!

And the biggest news! The official weigh in was this morning and I'm down 2.2 pounds! That is actually kind of a lot for what I weigh, so I need to make sure that I'm eating enough, but I'm very happy with it. Just gotta focus on keeping it up!

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