Wednesday, September 24, 2008

This ain't pretty...

The numbers from my bootcamp Pre-assessment, I mean! Augh!

She pinched me all over with that little fat squeezer device and it came up with an ugly number! 30%!!! She did say that the margin of error was 3%...but that could also mean that it is 33%!! Not that I'm really all that surprised since my WW scale says I'm 28.something%, but still! So, my goal for bootcamp is to lower that by 4% over the 6 weeks. That would put me solidly in the "Fair" category. I've never really aimed for body fat loss so I'm not even sure 4% is a realistic goal...I guess we'll see!

Then came all the measurements. I can't believe I'm actually going to post these for the world to see! Yikes!

Shoulder: my daddy's broad ones :)
Chest: 36
Abdomen: 35...holy cow
Waist: 29
Hips: 41.5...I don't want to see any number in the 40's!
Thigh: 24.5...crazy that my thigh is almost as big as my waist! But, I've always had thunder thighs, no matter how small I've been, so that probably isn't going to change much!

My goal for inches is going to be to lose a total of 6 inches. I think that should be relatively easy. Or I HOPE it will be relatively easy :)

My confession: After eating fairly healthy yesterday, I had to run to the Whole Foods to pick up some greens for the bunny and ended up buying a huge cookie from Carol's Cookies. If you've never had one, they are enormous! My intent was to eat only half. Which I did. Until an hour later when I ate the other half :) Oops.


Anonymous said...

So brave to put all your measurements in! I can tell you we have matching thighs. No fun. If you learn any great thigh exercises please share. Good luck with boot camp. I promise to email you reciepes Monday after my test is over -sorry for the delay

BITR Country Girl said...

Good luck with boot camp! A cookie?!?! I had a serious moment too and had about 5 fun size candy bars. No worries though, what goes up must come down right?

Christie O. said...

wow! yes! very brave of you indeed!! whatever yours are, i am sure mine are double. :) haha! anyway, congrats on the weightloss still! good luck in boot camp!

K @ Running Through Life said...

Good luck with boot camp and reaching your goals! You can do it!

Anonymous said...

Nothing like hard, cold facts t give a sense of what is needed. YOU can do it, however..and you WILL be successful sis...I AINT HEARD NO BELL!!