And unfortunately, that isn't good!
Why, you ask?
Because once that belly gets to feeling a little flat and the pants start feeling a little loose, it becomse so much easier to say, hey, what's just one more cookie?! Yes, it always goes down like this for me. I start to feel better and like I'm making progress and therefore become more lax about my diet and activity. It's a bitter, vicious cycle :)
So, how am I going to break it? That is a good question! I guess I need to first throw all my jeans in the dryer and shrink them a size! :) I think that's a good start. Nothing like a tight pair of pants cutting into your waist to make you feel great! Beyond that, I think I better just make more of an attempt to get outside and moving while this weather is good. Temps here went from 90's this weekend to high 60s/low 70s this week. As long as Gustav doesn't drop too much rain on us, I'll be in good shape!
On a different note, the bunny had to be rushed to the vet again yesterday. I'm totally drained by this whole ordeal. I just want my healthy, happy bunny back! 2 more weeks until her next check up, assuming there aren't anymore emergencies. My poor baby!

i'm sorry your bunny isn't feeling well. this whole self discipline stuff is harder than it looks isn't it?! but it will be worth it in the long run.
Thanks for dropping by. Did the vet figure out what is wrong with your bunny? I hope nothing serious.
Awesome work Sis....keep it up!!
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