Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Not the Start I planned..

But okay, none-the-less!

I had totally forgot that I had to take the bunny to the vet first thing yesterday morning. In my rush to get her out the door, I forgot to eat breakfast. Not good. BUT! I redeemed myself slightly when I ended up at Starbucks and got a banana instead of the Cinnamon Chip Scone I was eye-balling! Once I was at work, I managed to be pretty good since I packed a lunch. I did slip and have a piece of Almond Roca. Bad Girl!

When I got home, I had to walk my friends dog and go to Whole Foods to get some greens for the bun-bun. So, I figured, why not walk it all! I walked from my house, to the Whole Foods, to my friends house and back home. It was only about 4 miles round trip, but I can live with that! After that, I ate dinner and promptly konked out on th couch :)

So, not what I had intended, but a good enough start!

1 comment:

Diana Swallow said...

Hope bunny is ok! I try so hard not to make eye contact with "the case" at Starbucks.