Friday, August 29, 2008

I'm starving


In the 5 hours I've been awake, I've had a bowl of cereal (okay, I know Cap'n Crunch doesn't count for much!), a grande mocha, a banana and I'm starving to the point that I'm about to heat up my lunch already! I blame it on TOM. Damn You TOM!!! :)


Chubby Chick said...

I've had the munchies today, too! I ate every last calorie that I was allowed... and I am determined to not let anything else pass my lips.

Hang in there! You're not alone! :)

Unknown said...

Ive been hungrey as well today. Im doing the challenge as well

Anonymous said...

Who's tom? Fiber and water are the best things when you are hungry.

Anonymous said...

I had a BAD eating day today. And it wasn't even my cheat day! Buncha CRAP!!