Thursday, December 4, 2008

Half Empty or Half Full?

So this morning, against my better judgement I climbed up on the scale...and I'm .2 pounds heavier than Monday! Augh! What am I doing wrong here? Anywho, this got me to thinking. I see this number going up and I want to throw my hands in the air and yell, SCREW IT THEN! Why do through all this "hard work" to see no results? Then, I suddenly thought of those people that would see that number climb and tell themselves that they just need to work that much harder to make this turn around! The people that would actually find MOTIVATION in an increase. Why am I not that person? Am I a glass half empty type of gal?

What is your reaction when you see a gain on the scale? Half empty or half full?

Still held fast to my good eating habits yesterday and so far today. Although, I will confess that I allowed myself to eat lunch out today. I had a ceasar salad and lucky for me they were out of parmesan :( But I suppose that is better for my waist line any way! I got some upsetting news today that has kind of had my belly in flip flops this afternoon, so I suppose that is helping my waist line too! Hopefully, after the holidays and after I've kicked a few of these bad habits, I'll get this toosh back in the gym and we'll get the ol' metabolism crankin'!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you ARE that person sis. It's a matter of seeing the forest for the trees. And not losing sight of the goal. You KNOW how much i work out yeah? Well, my diet was doin me in...I was up to 216...even WITH all this damn running. I made changes and the weigth started coming off again. just hang in'll get there!